Terms & Conditions
The person making the booking is responsible for the conduct of all the individuals in their party. Please ensure that you read this document and retain for your records. Failure to read and abide by the terms and conditions / Park Rules is no excuse for contravention.
Booking conditions
We reserve the right to decline or terminate the booking of any customers whose party make up or behaviour may be or come to be a nuisance, danger or annoyance to others. In such instances no refunds will be offered. With this in mind our policy is not to accept group bookings or bookings made for celebratory parties. Woodhouse Farm is a family park and our facilities are designed to recognise this.
When making a booking, please provide accurate information regarding the type and size of your unit and the occupants visiting, so that we can allocate a suitable pitch. If you have a particular pitch preference, we will do our best but cannot guarantee your choice.
Booking confirmation
Bookings made will only be secure and confirmed on the payment of a deposit. Payment in full is due 10 days prior to arrival.
Changes and cancellations
We will endeavour to accommodate any changes that you wish to make to your holiday once booked. Deposits are non-refundable and will only be transferred at the discretion of the management here at Woodhouse. For any bookings cancelled up to 72 hours prior to arrival then any monies paid (exc deposit) will be refunded. All monies will be lost for any bookings cancelled within 72 hours of arrival. Should circumstances beyond our control force us to cancel your holiday then we will either offer you a full refund of any monies paid or make alternative arrangement for another time.
Arrivals and departures
All customers and visitors are required to call in at reception. Pitches / Pods are let from 2pm on day of arrival until 11am on the day of departure. For a late departure please enquire with reception. If the office is closed, please contact the Warden on duty, who will be able to assist you further.
Use of your accommodation
Only those people listed on the booking can occupy your accommodation and use the facilities of the Park.
Data Protection
Please read our Privacy Policy page.
Park Rules
- All new arrivals and visitors must report to reception.
- Commercial vehicles are not admitted onto the Park, generators and gazebos/day tents are not allowed.
- Access onto the park is via a barrier system. This barrier only operates between the hours of 7.30am and 11.30pm. All customers are provided with their own access code which is NOT transferable
- Only one car per pitch is allowed. Extra cars must be parked on the car park (charges apply). The speed limit around the park is 10mph. Pedestrians and cyclists have right of way at all times
- If you are having visitors whilst staying with us then please inform the park. All visitors’ cars must remain on the car park (visitor charges apply) and they are requested to be off the park by 9pm
- Please do not drive around the park between the hours of 10pm and 8am in consideration to other customers. Lighting is kept to a minimum around the park and the use of a torch is advisable after dusk.
- Children remain the responsibility of their parent/guardian and with this in mind we ask that you provide adequate supervision at all times. Ball games should only be played in the top of the Far Paddock and the Middle Paddock. The play areas and play barn are unsupervised so it is the parents/guardians responsibility to ensure that their children do not come to any harm whilst using them. The play areas should not be used when it is dark or before 8am. Please ensure that your children do not go up to the fishing lakes unsupervised. Cycling around the park is allowed but children should not cycle around the toilet block or in and around other customer’s pitches and cars.
- Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a short lead at all times except in the dog exercise field. No fouling of the park will be tolerated as adequate bins are provided. Dogs must not be left unattended in your unit or on the park. Neither are they allowed to ‘hunt’ around the lake or wood.
- The lighting of fires/fire pits anywhere on the park and the use of metal detectors and firearms is strictly forbidden. BB guns, water pistols, water bombs, paddling pools, Chinese lanterns, drone and powered toys are not permitted. Any malicious damage will not be tolerated.
- Barbecues are allowed but they must be raised off the ground and should not damage the grass. Blocks, charcoal and firelighters are available from the shop, please do not use our hedgerows and woodland areas as a fuel resource. Please be aware that BBQs and stoves are designed for use outdoors and never take a lit BBQ or charcoal stove inside any enclosed space like a tent, caravan or pod for your own safety.
- All our Pods are STRICTLY no smoking and all cooking must be done outside as BBQs, stoves or naked lights of any kind are not permitted inside them. Please leave our Pods and the surrounding area as you would wish to find them.
- Laundering and pot washing must not take place in the toilets/showers, as there are facilities for this on site. Washing may only be hung from a window drying rack and should be unobtrusive.
- Rubbish and recycling should be put in the correct bins (which are located all around the Park) in a tidy manner. Please help us by recycling wherever possible
- In consideration to all customers excessive noise and loud music is not acceptable.
- Please do not cross the site boundaries.
Any persons who are not prepared to abide by the above will be asked to leave. Acceptance of these conditions is taken when making a booking.